Sunday, June 2, 2013

Countdown begins

Will it be hours or days? We don't know. However long it takes for you to make a healthy entrance into this world we will be ready! We had a family breakfast this morning with your mama and daddy before they headed to the hospital. I went home after to wait for a call to let me know you were on your way, but guess what? I'm here. At the hospital. I just couldn't sit still at home. I don't know if they are nerves or excitement! Funny story. Your mom just called and I confessed to her that I was already here and she said she wasn't surprised because our mom, your grandma, had just walked in too!!! We must think alike. 
Here is our family . . . Minus your TiO Juan cause he was working. 
We will take a new one, once you are here. 

Side note: mom and dad just had a tiny discussion about where you will go to school. You'll be a REDCAT. Mom says! 

To be continued. Tia needs to charge her battery. 
Here's what mama's feet look like, little chubbies!!!

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