Saturday, April 26, 2014

Drink + shrink diary: page 7

So lately... I have read tons of ads talking about a miracle weight loss regimen, two steps and it works. I click on each and every ad and each one talks about miracle pills / garcinia cambogia and a green tea that detoxifies. Some of the daily regimens require you take up to six pills a day and drink the tea with every meal. All of the results sound enticing, motivating and intriguing. Especially, because celebrities are endorsing or at least being used as advertisement for the products. 

However, how long can someone keep up with the daily pill intake and green tea consumption?? Before getting burned out. 

Wouldn't it be easier to get the same results, but by changing only one thing!!! Your coffee. 

Javita offers coffee with garcinia cambogia as it's top ingredient, the green tea is also offered for those with a different preference. ONE CUP A DAY is all it takes. 

Ask me how! 

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